single premium - Vision India Insurance

LIC Dhan Varsha

Don't wait to protect your loved ones and secure their financial future. Contact a LIC agent today and take the first step toward purchasing a life insurance policy.

The majority of endowment policies are offered with lengthier terms since they contribute to raising the total returns that an individual would get at the conclusion of the policy tenure. Additionally, if an investor chooses a bigger sum assured, policies like the LIC single premium endowment insurance give sizeable premium rebates.

Endowment plans are a well-liked financial strategy since they simultaneously offer an investor guaranteed profits and insurance coverage. Under the Indian Income Tax Act, endowment insurance offers tax advantages. By shielding a policyholder from risks that are not covered by the primary policy, riders under an endowment plan can improve the amount of coverage that a policyholder has.


Choose this plan to Avail Tax Benefit on premium paid Tax saving under Sec 80C & 10(10D) Guaranteed maturity with life cover for securing family's future Sovereign guarantee as per Sec 37 of LIC Act

      • This LIC single premium policy requires a lump sum payment of the premium at the beginning of the period.
      • This LIC one-time investment plan offers profits while also providing insurance against untimely death.
        The age range for this coverage is from 90 days to 65 years.
      • The entire sum assured, along with earned bonuses, would be paid upon survival through the policy tenure or upon earlier death, and the policy would expire.
      • This insurance shares in the LIC’s profits and offers a straightforward reversionary bonus and a final additional bonus if any of the sums insured start at less than Rs. 50,000 and have no maximum.

      • The minimum sum assured will be in multiples of Rs. 5,000 for any additional sum assured.
        This LIC single premium endowment insurance has an entry age minimum of 90 days and an entry age maximum of 65 years. If the insured is under the age of eight, the risk coverage under this plan will begin no later than two years from the policy’s beginning, or on the policy anniversary that falls on or immediately after the insured’s eighth birthday.


  • Maturity Benefit: If the Life Insured survives until the end of the policy term, the Sum Assured will be paid to the policyholder as a Maturity Benefit along with any applicable simple reversionary bonus and final addition bonus.

Under this LIC single premium endowment policy, a Simple Reversionary Bonus is typically declared each year as a proportion of the Sum Assured. The sum assured is not increased by the bonus amounts in this plan (being a simple reversionary bonus and not a compound reversionary bonus)

If a policyholder has paid all of his or her premiums on time, a final addition bonus may be declared at the conclusion of the insurance term. It is a perk that the company offers to policyholders.

  • Death Benefit: If the Life Insured passes away within the term of the policy:
    • If the Life Insured passes away prior to the start of risk, the nominee would only get the Single Premium paid.
    • The Sum Assured, along with earned bonuses, if any, would be paid as the Death Benefit after the risk started.
This LIC single premium endowment policy offers significant sum assured  discount.
After the first year of the plan, loans are available in this LIC one-time investment plan.
Benefit from income tax on premiums paid in accordance with Section 80C  and claims received in accordance with Section 10(10D) of the  Income Tax Act
There is guaranteed surrender value for the LIC single premium insurance.




Entry Age (Last Birthday)

90 days

65 years

Maturity Age (Last Birthday)

18 years

75 years

Policy Term (PT) in years              

10 years

25 years

Premium Paying Term (PPT) in years


Premium Paying Frequency


Sum Assured

Rs. 50,000

No Limit

A buyer of a LIC single premium endowment policy should be aware of a number of factors affecting the premium calculation. For instance, they need to understand how premiums vary based on the different sums insured and the age of the insured person holding the policy, as well as what a sample premium would be for a change of, say, Rs. 1000 in the Sum Assured for various policy terms. Sample Premium for Different Sum Assured:


Rs 50,000

Sum Assured

Rs 1 Lac

Sum Assured

Rs 2 Lacs

Sum Assured

30 Years




40 Years




50 Years




Sample Premium Rates per Rs. 1,000 of Sum Assured:


(Nearest birthday)


10 Years

15 Years

25 Years
























Rebates for LIC Single Premium Endowment Policy:

Sum Assured (Rs.)

Rebate (in the percentage of Sum Assured)

Rs. 50,000 to Rs. 95,000


Rs. 1,00,000 to Rs. 1,95,000

18% of Sum Assured

Rs. 2,00,000 to Rs. 2,95,000

25% of Sum Assured

Rs. 3,00,000 and above

30% of Sum Assured


Grace Period: Inapplicable because a LIC single premium endowment insurance does not require subsequent premium payments.

Policy Benefit of termination or surrender under the single-premium LIC policy:
Under this plan, the Surrender Benefit is available:

    70% of the single premium paid within the first year, minus taxes and any additional premiums that may have been paid. 90% of the single premium paid, less taxes, any additional premiums, and any earlier-paid survivor benefits, starting in the second year.

Bonuses under this LIC one-time investment Plan may be redeemed:                          A surrender value of any vested simple reversionary bonuses under the policy will also be given to policyholders.

These bonuses will be multiplied by the surrender value factor for vested bonuses to determine their surrender value. 
These elements depend on the length of the LIC single premium endowment policy’sterm and the year that an insured surrenders the plan.
Free Look Period: As long as there hasn’t been claim, you have 15 days from the time you receive the policy documents to decide if you like the coverage and terms and conditions of the LIC single premium policy.

So, What you are waiting for ? Fill your details to select the Plan.

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