Bima Shree - Vision India Insurance

Bima Shree is a life insurance policy offered by the Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC). It is a non-linked, with-profit, limited premium payment policy that provides both savings and insurance benefits. Bima Shree policy offers financial protection and security to the policyholder and their family, along with the opportunity to build savings over the long term.

The Bima Shree policy has a fixed policy term of 14, 16, or 18 years, and the premium payment term is limited to 10, 12, or 15 years, depending on the policy term chosen by the policyholder. The policyholder pays the premiums for a limited period, after which they are covered for the entire policy term. If the policyholder dies during the policy term, the sum assured along with bonuses and final additional bonus (if any) is paid out to the nominee. If the policyholder survives the policy term, the sum assured along with bonuses and final additional bonus (if any) is paid out on maturity.


Combination of Moneyback and Life Insurance

  • If you pass away within the policy period, you will get a lump sum payment. If you survive, a survivor benefit will be paid out after 4 years, after 2 years, and after the policy term has ended.


Premium Waiver Benefit

  • Any future premium payments will be covered by LIC in the event of the proposer's death while the life assured is a minor.


Profit Sharing in Terms of Guaranteed Additions

  • Policy is eligible for a guaranteed bonus during the first five years of the policy's term at a rate of Rs. 50.00 per thousand per year, and then at a rate of Rs. 55.00 per thousand per year.


Additional Accidental Benefit

  • In addition to the standard accidental benefit under other policies, a standalone Extra Accident Benefit Maximum of Rs. 1,00,00,00/- is permitted.


Plan Benefits

Tax Free Maturity Amount

Avail Tax benefit on premium paid

Tension Free Claim Settlement

  Age at Entry8 Years Completed55 Years for Policy Term  14 Years
51 Years for Policy Term  16 Years
48 Years for Policy Term  18 Years
45 Years for Policy Term  20 Years
Sum AssuredRs 10,00,000No Limit
Policy Term14 Years
16 Years
18 Years
20 Years
Premium Paying TermPolicy Term – 4 Years
Maturity Age69 Years for Policy Term  14 Years
67 Years for Policy Term  16 Years
66 Years for Policy Term  18 Years
65 Years for Policy Term  20 Years
Mode of PaymentYearly, Half Yearly, Quarterly, Monthly (NACH), SSS

The Basic Sum Assured shall be in Multiples of Rs. 1,00,000 / -

  Age at Entry18 Years Completed55 Years for Policy Term  14 Years
 51 Years for Policy Term  16 Years
 48 Years for Policy Term  18 Years
 45 Years for Policy Term  20 Years
Sum AssuredRs. 10,000Rs 1,00,00,000
Cover Ceasing AgeAt the End of Policy Term
The Double Accident Sum Assured shall be in Multiples of Rs. 10,000 / -
  Age at Entry18 Years Completed55 Years for Policy Term  14 Years
51 Years for Policy Term  16 Years
48 Years for Policy Term  18 Years
45 Years for Policy Term  20 Years
Sum AssuredRs 1, 00,000Rs. 25,00,000
Cover Ceasing AgeAt the End of Policy Term

The Term Assurance Sum Assured shall be in Multiples of Rs. 5,000 / -


  Age at Entry18 Years Completed55 Years for Policy Term  14 Years
51 Years for Policy Term  16 Years
48 Years for Policy Term  18 Years
45 Years for Policy Term  20 Years
Sum AssuredRs 1, 00,000Rs. 25,00,000
Cover Ceasing AgeAt the End of Policy Term

The Term Assurance Sum Assured shall be in Multiples of Rs. 25,000 / -

  Age at Entry18 Years Completed55 Years for Policy Term  14 Years
Sum AssuredEqual to Premium Term
Cover Ceasing Age70 Years

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